"It's not code until it is documented and tested code!
and it's not documented-and-tested code until it is
thoroughly understood by someone else."
--- Software Sam, 2014
Welcome to the home of the
Software Samurai
Software Sam presents Linux software tools, API libraries, well-documented source code, copius examples,
online docs, student exercises, bad poetry and fun for geeks of all ages and skill levels.
All code posted on this site is designed for GNU/Linux systems.
GNU/Linux does not just jump out of the box and run; it requires patience, curiosity and
determination. Please help the GNU/Linux community move toward an out-of-the-box solution for
students, grandmas, Liberal Arts majors and the rest of the vast non-technical world who just need
to get useful work done.
If you are developing for that
other operating system, shame on you! Unless you have accidentally
wandered into this site while looking for porn, you are a software designer, and as such you have
super-powers (able to leap tall buildings and so on). Software Sam encourages you to use those
powers for Good rather than Evil.
NcDialog Application Programming Interface
NcDialog is a full-featured application development library for console-based applications.
Go to the Downloads page to download the API source and documentation,
or Click here to take the tour.
Infodoc HTML Post-Processor Updated!
Infodoc “
idpp” HTML post-processor has been updated to support ‘makeinfo’ (texi2any)
version 7.0.3
and above. The makeinfo developers have made significant changes to the syntax of the HTML code generated from the
Texinfo source. These changes bring the generated HTML document much closer to the HTML5/CSS3 standard.
Well Done All!
The current
Infodoc release is v:0.0.15, and is designed for use with
makeinfo v:6.8 or greater.
If your HTML documentation is generated using makeinfo v:6.7 or earlier,
download the Infodoc v:0.0.13 package instead; however, an update to the current makeinfo package is strongly recommended
to take advantage of the cool new features.
Happy Documenting!
Software Sam is happy to correct any factual errors, distortions and omissions on this site; however,
Sam's opinions are based on his massive ego, and are therefore rather difficult to modify.
Technical Note: The static data of this website is constructed using HTML5 and CSS3.
All pages have been tested with Firefox 126.0, and Brave(tm) 1.66.113 (Chromium(tm) 125.0.6422.76).
Rendering in MS-Edge(tm) is adequate, but no one who cares about security would use Edge (or IE) anyway.
Note that the selection of the browser's default monospaced font may affect the rendering of screenshots
within the documentation. (Sam recommends DejaVu Sans Mono.)